There haven’t been too many sharable updates for Linda & Joan recently. I’ve been expanding the narrative engine to support parallel story flows — so the three playable characters can interact with objects while they’re in conversation; text on a phone while verbally talking; and any choices that the player makes can immediately affect what is happening elsewhere — plus building out the first act’s storyline in its entirely, but without final artwork, just a lot of colored boxes. Neither of these things produce pretty videos to share on the internet — it’s a lot of coding and script writing. (Although, I hope to find time to write up how the parallel story flows work — I think it’s a truly exciting development.)
But, this weekend, I decided to take a break from the laborious stuff and experiment with the menu system. Working on visuals helps give the more abstract work an identity and personality — something that I find vital when working alone on a large project. It’s still a work-in-progress, like everything else, but here’s the work-in-progress so far:
Original score by Jeremy Warmsley.